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  • The Collective Power of Artists is Crucial at the Polls

    Growing up in a politically active family, the importance of democracy was ingrained in me from an early age. My parents were staunch advocates for civic engagement, and dinner table discussions often revolved around local and national politics. This early exposure sparked my lifelong commitment to participating in the democratic…

  • I Am Proud to See GCAC Embrace Community Grantmaking 

    I Am Proud to See GCAC Embrace Community Grantmaking  We recently announced that GCAC is engaging the community in the application review and funding process for two of our grant programs, Artist Projects and Project Support. It is my hope that you will join us in this…

  • The State of Public Art in Greater Columbus Today

    We recently published a State of Public Art report for Columbus and Franklin County and I’d like to take a few minutes to talk about it. First, a little context. Last summer we started the process for developing a countywide public art plan. We did this with the support…

  • We Heard You: Changes Coming to GCAC Grants and Community Engagement

    The Greater Columbus Arts Council has exciting changes coming to how we serve our artists, arts organizations and arts administrators through our funding programs. This summer we did extensive constituent research to learn what artists and arts organizations need from us. Our goal was, and is, to reimagine how we…

  • Tay Lane, 2021 Artist Elevated Winner

    Her dream is to produce a full-length play based on Plato’s dialogues inspired by her studies. Her dream is to start a production company called Walter Lane, named after her beloved dog who recently passed. Her dream is fueled by her late husband, Chris, whose memory is a reminder for…

  • Pelotonia: A Ride Where Everybody Wins

    Next weekend I’ll be biking 100 miles as part of the Team ColumbUS Peloton, and a fair question to ask is why? Certainly it’s a great cause. Raising money to find a cure for cancer, supporting those who are currently in treatment and those in recovery, and honoring my…


    For this issue, we spoke with local multi-media artist and filmmaker, Alexis McCrimmon.  McCrimmon utilizes a range of documentary, narrative and experimental film-making techniques; from reconstruction/reenactment, archival footage, and audio as text, to cinematic staging, narrative story structures and expositional soundscapes. These set the stage for animated photo-montages, video sculptures and elaborate…

  • Celebrating 50 years by looking ahead to the next 50

    2023 marks the 50th anniversary of the Greater Columbus Arts Council. For me, and the team at GCAC, this is not a time to reflect back, but to look forward. This is an ideal moment for us to pause and take a thoughtful look at our funding programs. After years…

  • Columbus Arts Organizations Engage in Some Unexpected Places

    I consider myself well informed about what our arts and cultural nonprofits are doing for the community, but even I was pleasantly surprised when I had the opportunity recently to read some more in-depth accounts of our cultural organizations’ access and outreach initiatives. I’d like to share what I learned.


    This month’s profile features Anthony Mossburg, a multi-award-winning acoustic artist from West Virginia who is currently residing in Columbus.  According to comments made on his website by his fans, Mossburg is known for writing moving lyrics, creating melodies that stick with you long after the song is over and for…