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  • Event Details & Accessibility

    Big Arts Night & Community Arts Partnership Awards Thursday, Oc tober 24 from 5-8 p.m. at the Southern Theatre and Westin Great Southern Columbus 2024 Big Arts Night Nominees Event Details & Accessibility Past Winners BIG ARTS NIGHT Thursday, October 24, 2024 Great Southern Theatre/Westin Hotel 21 East Main Street Doors open: 4:30 p.m. […]

  • Press Release / August 26, 2024

    Greater Columbus Arts Council Announces Recipients of 2025 Artist Exchange in Dresden, Germany

    […] a fashion designer with over three decades of experience. Her high-fashion evening wear has graced the runways of renowned fashion events, including Columbus Fashion Week, Lexus Charles ton Fashion Week, New York Fashion Week and London Fashion Week. She studied fashion design at the Fashion Institute of Technology and Syracuse University, and worked for […]

  • Press Release / August 13, 2024

    Greater Columbus Arts Council Seeks Community Reviewers for Artist Projects Grants

    COLUMBUS, Ohio ā€” The Greater Columbus Arts Council (GCAC) is recruiting central Ohio residents to participate in reviewing the second round of 2024 Artist Projects grants as part of its Community Grantmaking initiative. Anyone interested in participating should fill out a short form, which can be found on the Community Grantmaking page on GCACā€™s […]

  • The Collective Power of Artists is Crucial at the Polls

    […] age. My parents were staunch advocates for civic engagement, and dinner table discussions often revolved around local and national politics. This early exposure sparked my lifelong commitment to participating in the democratic process. Voting has been a non-negotiable part of my life since I turned 18, a tradition Iā€™ve upheld without fail. Throughout my […]

  • 2023 GCAC 990 for website

    […] Yes IsĀ theĀ organizationĀ aĀ sectionĀ 501(c)(4),Ā 501(c)(5),Ā orĀ 501(c)(6)Ā organizationĀ thatĀ receivesĀ membershipĀ dues, assessments,Ā orĀ similarĀ amountsĀ asĀ definedĀ inĀ Rev.Ā Proc.Ā 98Ā­19?Ā  No DidĀ theĀ organizationĀ maintainĀ anyĀ donorĀ advisedĀ fundsĀ orĀ anyĀ similarĀ fundsĀ orĀ accountsĀ forĀ whichĀ donorsĀ haveĀ the rightĀ toĀ provideĀ adviceĀ onĀ theĀ distributionĀ orĀ investmentĀ ofĀ amountsĀ inĀ suchĀ fundsĀ orĀ accounts?Ā  PartĀ I No DidĀ theĀ organizationĀ receiveĀ orĀ holdĀ aĀ conservationĀ easement,Ā includingĀ easementsĀ toĀ preserveĀ openĀ space,Ā  theĀ environment,Ā historicĀ landĀ areas,Ā orĀ historicĀ structures?Ā  No DidĀ theĀ organizationĀ maintainĀ collectionsĀ ofĀ worksĀ ofĀ art,Ā historicalĀ treasures,Ā orĀ otherĀ similarĀ assets? PartĀ III No DidĀ theĀ organizationĀ reportĀ anĀ amountĀ inĀ  PartĀ X ,Ā lineĀ 21Ā forĀ escrowĀ orĀ custodialĀ accountĀ liabilityĶ¾Ā serveĀ asĀ a custodianĀ forĀ amountsĀ notĀ listedĀ inĀ  PartĀ X Ķ¾Ā orĀ provideĀ creditĀ counseling,Ā debtĀ management,Ā creditĀ repair,Ā orĀ debt negotiationĀ services? No DidĀ theĀ organization,Ā directlyĀ orĀ throughĀ aĀ relatedĀ organization,Ā holdĀ assetsĀ inĀ temporarilyĀ restrictedĀ endowments, permanentĀ endowments,Ā orĀ quasiĀ endowments?Ā  Yes IfĀ theĀ organizationā€™sĀ answerĀ toĀ  anyĀ ofĀ theĀ followingĀ  questionsĀ isĀ "Yes,"Ā thenĀ completeĀ ScheduleĀ D,Ā PartsĀ VI,Ā VII, VIII,Ā IX,Ā orĀ X,Ā asĀ applicable. DidĀ theĀ organizationĀ reportĀ anĀ amountĀ forĀ land,Ā buildings,Ā andĀ equipmentĀ inĀ  PartĀ X ,Ā lineĀ 10?Ā  PartĀ VI .Ā  Yes DidĀ theĀ organizationĀ reportĀ anĀ amountĀ forĀ investmentsā€”otherĀ securitiesĀ inĀ  PartĀ X ,Ā lineĀ 12Ā thatĀ isĀ 5ybRUPRUHRf itsĀ totalĀ assetsĀ reportedĀ inĀ  PartĀ X ,Ā lineĀ 16?Ā  No DidĀ theĀ organizationĀ reportĀ anĀ amountĀ forĀ investmentsā€”programĀ relatedĀ inĀ  PartĀ X ,Ā lineĀ 13Ā thatĀ isĀ 5ybRUPRUHRf itsĀ totalĀ assetsĀ reportedĀ inĀ  PartĀ X ,Ā lineĀ 16?Ā  No DidĀ theĀ organizationĀ reportĀ anĀ amountĀ forĀ otherĀ assetsĀ inĀ  PartĀ X ,Ā lineĀ 15Ā thatĀ isĀ 5ybRUPRUHRILWVWRWDODVVHWs reportedĀ inĀ  PartĀ X […]

  • Sandy Hartke

    […] all, and thatā€™s what matters, the mystery of not knowing who we will become, and remembering who we were. The growth of the artist rests on the decision to keep on moving. What we do know is that if with time and patience, with a little effort, the secret will be revealed in due time."Ā 

  • Grandview Hop 2024 Perfomer Guidelines

    […] occur during the performance and the performer declines to complete the remainder of the performance, the performer shall only receive compensation for the duration of the performance. QUESTIONS ? If you have any questions about performing, please contact The Grandview Hop Lead Organizer Derek Grosso at . GRANDVIEW HOP 2024 SEASON E […]

  • John Glenn Airport Melodies in Motion 2024 Performer Guidelines

    […] is presented in partnership with the Greater Columbus Arts Council and the Music Everywhere Columbus program. Performers are paid by the Arts Council, which matches airport funds to provide a performance fee of $ 75 /hour per performer. Instrumental performances will occur at the airport post -security in the three concourses where passengers have […]