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Accessible Expressions Ohio

Flint Garrabrant

“As an educator with ADHD, I have found life post-COVID to be a challenge. My mind, while needing structure to function, rebels against it in search of new and interesting things to ’chase the dopamine.’ I am often building systems and structures to create a consistent pattern to order my life to find success. Most days, there are unnumbered tasks, events, and individuals that force the pattern to break down. The flow is interrupted, the train derailed. Each day, I must find myself again amidst the chaos. I must see through the glitches in the system to order the world around myself. These interruptions weave in and out of my day, creating their own pattern atop mine. When the work is done, something new has been created. Not what was expected, for better or worse, but worth reflecting on. Tomorrow, the process begins anew.”