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Accessible Expressions Ohio

Sheree Green

“I live with a condition previously known as Multiple Personality Disorder, but with further understanding now called Dissociative Identity Disorder. Throughout my life, art has provided avenues toward recovery and healing, and sharing expressions of my inner world has helped in many ways. Since the day in sixth grade when I saw a photo on the cover of our Weekly Reader magazine of a graceful mobile created by Alexander Calder, I have been enthralled with mobiles—viewing them, creating them, and teaching how to make them. The miracle of achieving perfect balance while maintaining total freedom of movement for every part has held my fascination for almost 60 years. This mobile represents the shifts and changes in the words I speak to the outer world vs. my opposing inner thoughts and feelings. It’s a challenge to keep all in intricate balance throughout my growth and healing, with changes in each area affecting all the others.”