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  • AFTA_Final_Report_Greater_Columbus

    […] by Nonprofit Arts and Culture AUDIENCES ............................................................. 14 Comparisons with Similarly Populated Study Regions ........... 17 About This Study ..................................................................... 19 Frequently Used Terms............................................................ 23 Frequently Asked Questions .................................................... 25 In Appreciation ........................................................................ 27 "Understanding and acknowledging the incredible economic impact of the nonprofit arts and culture, we must always remember their fundamental value. […]

  • BCC-1

    […] T r us t e e s P r e s i de nt Building Creative Capital Reflec tion s on th e asse ts av ailable to sustain ro bust arts an d c ulture in Co lumbus Prepa red fo r: Greate r Colu mbus A rts Co uncil 100 East Bro […]

  • Creative_Economy_Report_Final_April_9_version

    The Creative Economy LeveragingΒ theΒ Arts,Β CultureΒ andΒ CreativeΒ Community forΒ aΒ StrongerΒ Columbus PresentedΒ by: CreativeΒ ColumbusΒ PolicyΒ SteeringΒ Committee 9Β AprilΒ 2007 TheΒ CreativeΒ Economy:Β LeveragingΒ theΒ Arts,Β CultureΒ andΒ CreativeΒ CommunityΒ forΒ aΒ StrongerΒ Columbus Β PG2 9Β APRILΒ 2007 DATE PROJECT FromΒ theΒ SteeringΒ CommitteeΒ Chairman InΒ aΒ letterΒ datedΒ 17Β JanuaryΒ 2006,Β formerΒ ColumbusΒ CityΒ CouncilΒ PresidentΒ MattΒ HabashΒ  articulatedΒ theΒ needΒ forΒ thisΒ taskΒ force:Β "CityΒ CouncilΒ isΒ movingΒ forwardΒ withΒ aΒ thoughtfulΒ  reviewΒ ofΒ artsΒ andΒ culturalΒ funding…ColumbusΒ CityΒ CouncilΒ createdΒ theΒ GreaterΒ ColumbusΒ  ArtsΒ CouncilΒ nearlyΒ thirtyΒ yearsΒ ago.Β Β theΒ environmentΒ hasΒ changedΒ forΒ artsΒ andΒ  cultureΒ organizations,Β particularlyΒ inΒ regardsΒ toΒ theΒ newΒ economy."Β  CityΒ CouncilΒ askedΒ thisΒ taskΒ forceΒ toΒ reexamineΒ howΒ theΒ characterΒ andΒ implementationΒ ofΒ  theΒ City’sΒ artsΒ andΒ culturalΒ policyΒ couldΒ bestΒ advanceΒ theΒ community’sΒ creativeΒ interests.Β  WeΒ wereΒ askedΒ toΒ makeΒ policyΒ recommendationsΒ aboutΒ aΒ cooperativeΒ approachΒ to communityΒ artsΒ andΒ culturalΒ support,Β oneΒ thatΒ couldΒ promoteΒ theΒ viabilityΒ ofΒ long- established,Β community-embracedΒ organizationsΒ andΒ thatΒ wouldΒ encourageΒ theΒ futureΒ  growthΒ ofΒ ourΒ localΒ artsΒ andΒ culturalΒ community. AfterΒ 12Β meetings,Β whichΒ tookΒ placeΒ fromΒ JulyΒ 2006Β toΒ JanuaryΒ 2007Β withΒ aΒ diverse representativeΒ groupΒ ofΒ leadersΒ fromΒ variousΒ sectorsΒ ofΒ thisΒ communityβ€”andΒ withΒ input fromΒ suburbanΒ artsΒ councilsΒ andΒ cityΒ artsΒ councilsΒ fromΒ otherΒ partsΒ ofΒ theΒ stateΒ andΒ nation, asΒ wellΒ asΒ representativesΒ fromΒ cityΒ groupsΒ likeΒ ExperienceΒ Columbusβ€”weΒ areΒ pleasedΒ toΒ  presentΒ our fi ndings. TheΒ ideasΒ inΒ thisΒ documentΒ areΒ notΒ setΒ inΒ cement.Β TheyΒ shouldΒ beΒ changedΒ andΒ updatedΒ  fromΒ timeΒ toΒ timeΒ toΒ refl ectΒ theΒ mostΒ currentΒ thinking.Β ItΒ isΒ aΒ documentΒ thatΒ shouldΒ help moveΒ usΒ allΒ towardΒ understandingΒ whatΒ makesΒ forΒ aΒ creativeΒ communityΒ andΒ whyΒ itΒ can beΒ  successful.Β  Ultimately,Β  weΒ  mustΒ  allΒ  workΒ  togetherΒ  toΒ  buildΒ  aΒ  creativeΒ  Columbus.Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  MyΒ sincereΒ thanksΒ toΒ theΒ taskΒ force,Β whoΒ workedΒ soΒ hardΒ toΒ createΒ thisΒ report,Β andΒ toΒ CityΒ  Council,Β whoΒ caresΒ soΒ muchΒ aboutΒ theΒ creativeΒ interestsΒ ofΒ ourΒ city. β€”Β Β WayneΒ P.Β Lawson,Β Ph.D Chairman,Β CreativeΒ ColumbusΒ PolicyΒ SteeringΒ Committee TheΒ CreativeΒ Economy:Β LeveragingΒ theΒ Arts,Β CultureΒ andΒ CreativeΒ CommunityΒ forΒ aΒ StrongerΒ Columbus Β PG3 9Β APRILΒ 2007 DATE PROJECT […]

  • ACommunityReport-TheArts-2011

    […] a lasting emotional bond between people and their community." Gallup’s Three-Year Study of 26 U.Sa. Cities November 2010 They help create the emotional atdtachment that is prdoven to be a top driver of economic progress. They define and raise the aesthetics of obr commbnity. And they create invalbable opportbnities to celebrate and bbild civic […]

  • Research

    […] the Columbus Foundation retained AMS Planning & Research to conduct a sustainability analysis of the Columbus arts sector. The goal of this analysis was to explore two questions: 1. Is the breadth and depth of the cultural ecosystem in Columbus appropriate for a community of its size, composition and access to resources? 2. Are […]

  • Organization FAQs

    Organization FAQs Et sem tortor vitae nulla adipiscing nunc proin. Nulla lacus pellentesque etiam donec adipiscing. Justo senectus habitasse interdum lorem ac tristique sed urna posuere. Grants & Funding For Organizations Is there a restriction on how many I can apply for? Applicants can receive one General Support award per calendar year. Organizations receiving […]

  • DEI

    About GCAC Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion GCAC is committed to strengthening Diversity, Equity & Inclusion efforts within all our programs and within the arts community. On this page you will find our equity statements, links to other city and county DEI initiatives and minority vendor lists compiled by Experience Columbus. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion […]

  • Accessibility-at-GCAC

    […] best access possible to our events and programs - please describe any accommodation that helps your participation. To request an accessibility accommodation or if you have any questions , please refer to the guidance below or email Sue Jones at with your request. Our Website Located in the upper right corner of our […]

  • 2022FreshAIRCFE.pdf

    […] you self-ident ify. Select as many as apply. If you identify differently from the options listed, we encourage you to provide additional information. Your responses to the questions below will help us shape future opportunities for Fresh A.I.R. Gallery artists and ensure we are engaging the diverse voices of the arts commun ity. Any […]

  • Press Release / September 25, 2023

    Greater Columbus Arts Council Announces 2023 Community Arts Partnership Awards Nominees and Winners

    COLUMBUS, Ohio β€” The Greater Columbus Arts Council (GCAC) today announced the recipients and finalists of the 2023 Community Arts Partnership Awards. The award recipients are being recognized for their exemplary support of the arts; in addition, two community projects will receive awards recognizing achievements in innovation and community caring. All winners and nominees […]

  • GCAC-Annual-Report-2022-v15-FOR-WEB (2)

    2022 REPORT TO THE COMMUNITY To support and advance the arts and cultural fabric of Columbus. VISION A thriving Columbus where the arts matter to all of us. VALUES Cultural Equity Cultural Capital Sustaining Excellence Building Community Welcoming to All Inspired Advocacy Mayor Andrew J. Ginther 2023 Columbus Cit y Council Members Shannon G. […]

  • Grandview-Hop-Perfomer-Guidelines-2023

    […] notice before the event. Should a relocation occur during the performance and the performer declines to complete the remainder of the performance, the performer shall only receive compensation for the duration of the performance. QUESTIONS? If you have any questions about performing, please contact The Grandview Hop Lead Organizer Derek Grosso at derek@ grandv