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  • Pelotonia: A Ride Where Everybody Wins

    Next weekend I’ll be biking 100 miles as part of the Team ColumbUS Peloton, and a fair question to ask is why? Certainly it’s a great cause. Raising money to find a cure for cancer, supporting those who are currently in treatment and those in recovery, and honoring my…


    For this issue, we spoke with local multi-media artist and filmmaker, Alexis McCrimmon.  McCrimmon utilizes a range of documentary, narrative and experimental film-making techniques; from reconstruction/reenactment, archival footage, and audio as text, to cinematic staging, narrative story structures and expositional soundscapes. These set the stage for animated photo-montages, video sculptures and elaborate…

  • 2020 taught us to adapt, persevere and breath

    We came into 2020 full of hope, energy and vision. We had fought and won to get additional arts funding, and we developed a host of new programs that we were excited to roll out. Life is what happens while you are making other plans. Tom…

  • The Path Forward

    Yesterday Gov. DeWine announced the timeline for the first business re-openings in Ohio. Sadly arts venues were not among them, but we expected that. And while retail will be allowed to reopen on May 12, restaurants and bars remain closed without a projected reopen date, a hardship on many creatives…

  • Columbus Open Studio & Stage

    At the end of this month, more than 30 Columbus artists will open their studios to the public for an exciting weekend of tours and demonstrations. We’re all familiar with the final product of art — a painting, a book, a concert, a festival, a performance — but we don’t…

  • It’s Time to Protect Arts and Culture in America

    3/16/17 President Trump released his budget today.  As feared, and despite the best efforts of organizations like Americans for the Arts, the budget eliminates funding for the National Endowment for the Arts, the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. This is the first time a…

  • We Have a Lot to Be Grateful For

    As Thanksgiving approaches I do what many do, I pause and think about what I’m grateful for. Of course the first thing that comes to mind is my family and all that we have celebrated this year—including a beautiful new granddaughter. I am also grateful to live in a city…

  • Artist Profile: DONCEE COULTER

    The February issue of GCAC’s monthly arts newsletter Front Row Center  features Columbus native DonCee Coulter, a multi-media artist influenced by family, hip-hop culture and a man dedicated to using art to help the youth in his community.

  • Wrapping up 2022 and diving into 2023

    It is not unusual for a year to be full of both endings and beginnings. This year, however, the feeling of transition—of wrapping up old projects and embarking on new directions—seemed particularly poignant. Tom Katzenmeyer, CEO, president of the Arts Council A few weeks ago we celebrated the book launch…

  • Mariah French, 2022 Artist Elevated Winner

    For Mariah French, to dance is to feel at home. Since she was a child, dance has been a way to connect with the world around her. Mariah has fond memories of gathering all the neighborhood kids in their backyard to choreograph elaborate dances to perform for the neighborhood. But…

  • Artists Elevated is an investment in people

    We recently announced the 2022 Artists Elevated awards with investments of $20,000 in unrestricted funds going to Filmmaker Sterling Carter and Choreographer Mariah Layne French. Our hope, when we developed the Artists Elevated awards, was that this money would provide artists the financial boost they need to expand their career…