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    For this issue, we spoke with local artist, Samantha Bennett.  It was in a hospital room as a child where Samantha began to create art. At nine months old, Bennett survived bacterial meningitis. The physical impact of the disease is apparent as her skin is scarred; she had fingers, toes and…

  • 2021 brought plenty to be grateful for

    Like many, I pause during the holiday season to consider all that I have to be grateful for. As I looked back on 2021, I realized that—despite a slow and uneven recovery from the pandemic—there is plenty to celebrate in the Columbus arts community. Today I’d like to take a…

  • Want change? Step one: vote

    Are you registered to vote? Is your circle of friends and family registered to vote? Have you started making a voting plan? These are questions I find myself asking everyone I come into contact with these days. It’s important. Tom Katzenmeyer, president & CEO of the Greater…

  • A letter to the community about the Columbus Arts Festival

    April 2, 2020 Dear Columbus Community The decision we share with you today is one of the single most difficult and heartbreaking we’ve ever had to make at the Greater Columbus Arts Council. Early this morning the Arts Council board of trustees voted to cancel the 2020 Columbus Arts Festival,…

  • The Cultural Fabric of US

    I continue to be inspired by the cultural fabric of our community. Every city strives to attract businesses, new residents, and visitors of all ages to their city. How we do that in Columbus is the secret in the sauce. In Columbus we have incredibly talented artists and world-class arts…

  • It’s Time to Protect Arts and Culture in America

    3/16/17 President Trump released his budget today.  As feared, and despite the best efforts of organizations like Americans for the Arts, the budget eliminates funding for the National Endowment for the Arts, the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. This is the first time a…

  • Wrapping up 2022 and diving into 2023

    It is not unusual for a year to be full of both endings and beginnings. This year, however, the feeling of transition—of wrapping up old projects and embarking on new directions—seemed particularly poignant. Tom Katzenmeyer, CEO, president of the Arts Council A few weeks ago we celebrated the book launch…

  • 2020 taught us to adapt, persevere and breath

    We came into 2020 full of hope, energy and vision. We had fought and won to get additional arts funding, and we developed a host of new programs that we were excited to roll out. Life is what happens while you are making other plans. Tom…

  • The Path Forward

    Yesterday Gov. DeWine announced the timeline for the first business re-openings in Ohio. Sadly arts venues were not among them, but we expected that. And while retail will be allowed to reopen on May 12, restaurants and bars remain closed without a projected reopen date, a hardship on many creatives…

  • Artists need your help now more than ever

    March 23, 2020 We are in uncharted territory. Each day brings us new and frightening statistics about the virus amongst us and leaves us with more questions than answers. I, like so many, feel anxious, frustrated, and yes, at times, afraid. There is so much that I cannot control. I…