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  • The Columbus Arts Festival is back!

    After two years of having to announce the cancelation of the live, in-person Columbus Arts Festival, I am excited to be able to invite everyone back to the riverfront for my favorite event: the Columbus Arts Festival. AND we are celebrating its 60th Anniversary! To officially open the festival, we…

  • Quianna Simpson, 2021 Artist Elevated Winner

    As a baby, Quianna, would lay on her back and click her feet to the beat of the music floating through the room. She was already connected to movement at a young age. But her mom was uncertain if she would ever dance. Quianna was born bow-legged. Without reconstructive surgery,…

  • We are going to invest more in Columbus artists

    It is time for the Greater Columbus Arts Council to deepen its private funding pool and build a robust, diverse revenue stream, and it is time for us to raise our level of investment in individual artists. Tom Katzenmeyer, CEO, president of the Arts Council I have…

  • #ArtUnitesCbus Temporary Mural Installation Winter 2020

    The Art Unites Cbus project came about as a solution to an immediate challenge, how to turn broken windows into messages of support for Black Lives. Columbus businesses and organizations hired artists to paint the temporary plywood with messages that ranged from calls for justice, humanity and hope to expressions…

  • Want change? Step one: vote

    Are you registered to vote? Is your circle of friends and family registered to vote? Have you started making a voting plan? These are questions I find myself asking everyone I come into contact with these days. It’s important. Tom Katzenmeyer, president & CEO of the Greater…

  • Grateful to Columbus for being Columbus

    I’ve been practicing gratefulness a lot more lately. It’s an interesting twist of human nature that we often struggle to truly appreciate and feel thankful for the good things in our life–until they are gone. Tom Katzenmeyer, president & CEO of the Greater Columbus Arts Council But…

  • We are headed into 2020 with a clear vision

    We are coming to the close of another year, and as we step toward a new decade I am feeling hopeful and full of gratitude. It took many years and many hands, but we head into 2020 with new revenue streams to support the arts in Columbus. This is monumental.

  • How Does Art Inspire Your Heart?

    January 31 is National Inspire Your Heart with Art Day. It is a day to pause and reflect how art touches your heart—how it can move us to tears, cause us to bust out laughing, make us think, broaden our perspective and feed our humanity. To celebrate,  let’s take a moment to…

  • The Arts Festival is Here!

    One of our biggest weeks is here: the week of the Columbus Arts Festival. Thousands of hours of work by hundreds of people results in a memorable weekend of art, music, craft, food and family activities on the downtown riverfront. Both the presenting artists and Festival guests travel from…