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  • Cristyn Steward

    Cristyn A. Steward is the founder and CEO of the Columbus Black International Film Festival. Her films "Chocolate and Lace," "Success It Sucks/ Too Much Stress" and "Don’t Cover Your Tracks" have all screened at film festivals around the country. Steward was the recipient of the Spirit of Columbus Award in 2018 and ‘Create […]

  • Staci Friedman

    […] Friedman earned a bachelor’s in fine arts with a concentration in graphic design, and entered the world of publishing in New York City. In 2006, she relocated to Columbus, where she spent many years in the corporate retail world as a senior graphic designer and art director. In 2015, Friedman became disabled due to […]

  • Javad Ashrafi

    […] has worked as planner/architect in Columbus. While practicing architecture, he became more interested in the artistic aspects of architecture and began adding materials over his architectural renderings to create three-dimensional images. Since 2010, he has exhibited his artwork in different galleries and art shows throughout central Ohio, including the Columbus Art Festival, Worthington Arts […]

  • Aimee Wissman

    I’m being driven by a longing for justice, a need to make something come from my/your/our trauma, and to be (perhaps) released in the making. I use a variety of materials, but my first interest is in the surface. Through working things over, sometimes furiously, almost always over long stretches of time, I create […]

  • Jamie Ochs

    […] the roles I’ve been blessed to inherit as a mother, sister, friend, mentor, and partner. Art is my refuge. I have found all sorts of answers to questions that have long tortured my consciousness and have been blessed to find only the beauty in all things. Even in my darkest moments, art has shown […]

  • Patrice Palmer with Peace Love

    eace Love Art Workshops: The CREA TORS Program equips frontline professionals to deliver our expressive arts curriculum to their communities. Facilitators work directly with individuals, families, and groups throughout the country to help them achieve improved mental health and better quality of life through artistic expression. Creative Calisthenics: Getting out of your comfort zones […]

  • Gwendolyn Garth

    […] I created in my 70th year! I based it on this excerpt from Khalil Gibran’s On Time: But if in your thought you must measure times in to seasons, Let each season encircle all the other seasons, And let today embrace the past with remembrance And the future with longing. Changing Me: God granted […]

  • Shawn Beasley

    I’m a 1990 graduate of Mohawk high school. I served 6 years in the Marine Corps and decided to use my GI Bill to study electronics which is what I had done in the military. Art has always been important to me but I guess I didn’t have the courage to go to art […]

  • Mary Skrenta

    […] creativity as a tool to shift consciousness. She is a multi-media artist currently exploring a combination of experimental and traditional media in work that provokes thought and questions notions of value, heavily inspired by nature, philosophy, ageism, and contemporary society. Mary is a lifelong learner and the proud mother of two amazing humans, both […]

  • Veronica Shields

    Columbus Ohio native, I was a Sargent in the Army from 1973 - 75. On retiring as an ER nurse, I decided to take some art classes through the VA. This photo is dedicated to my Mother, Patricia Newlon, one of the 1074 Women’s Airforce Service Pilots (WASP) who were the first women to […]

  • Robert A James III

    Shadows on the Turning I created this piece in 1987 as a visual statement to Pink Floyd’s On the Turning Away. The song calls humanity to action, to stop turning away from the poor and downtrodden. We are asked to shout for those who have no voice and not turn away blind and deaf […]

  • Ken Frick

    Everything related to my interest in the fine arts began five decades ago in a Las Vegas, Nevada pawn shop. It was there I purchased my first real camera I was stationed at nearby Nelis Air Force Base where I was an avionics technician on the F-111A fighter- bomber. Two years later, when stationed […]