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  • About GCAC

    About The Greater Columbus Arts Council The Greater Columbus Arts Council funds artists and arts organizations and provides marketing services that support artists and organizations through the event calendar and Artist Directory.  We also produce the annual Community Arts Partnership Awards recognizing…

  • Press Release / September 8, 2022

    Arts Council Selects Neighborhood Arts Connection Fellows for Linden

    COLUMBUS, Ohio — The Greater Columbus Arts Council (GCAC) is pleased to announce that Gamal Brown and Kenia Lamarr will receive the Neighborhood Arts Connection fellowships for the Linden area. Lamarr will receive a $5,000 grant for the Coloring Linden Program, while Brown will receive a $10,000 grant for a multi-disciplinary fiber art and dance […]

  • Press Release / November 1, 2021

    Greater Columbus Arts Council Announces 2021 Thrive Program Grant Recipients

    Three-year program provides sustainability for arts organizations led by and serving people of color COLUMBUS, Ohio — The Greater Columbus Arts Council (Arts Council) announced today the three recipients of the 2021 Thrive grant awards—Thiossane Institute, Two Scoops National Performing Arts Center and Urban Strings Columbus. Designed in 2019 and launched in 2020, the program […]

  • Press Release / September 20, 2021

    Greater Columbus Arts Council Awards Second Cycle Project Support Grants

    COLUMBUS, Ohio – The Greater Columbus Arts Council Board of Trustees approved 30 awards totaling $337,350 for Round 2 Project Support grants. Project Support: Project Support grants provide funding for a broad range of arts and cultural projects, events and programs. Funding this round includes support for the annual Day of the Dead celebration, two […]

  • Press Release / August 11, 2021

    Greater Columbus Arts Council Awards Support for Professional Artists and Big Ideas Grants

    COLUMBUS, Ohio – The Greater Columbus Arts Council Board of Trustees today approved the following grants in August: 165 Support for Professional Artists grants totaling $159,257 and eight Big Ideas grants totaling $20,000. Support for Professional Artists: Formerly known as Artists in the Community, Support for Professional Artists (SPA) grants are intended to assist individual […]

  • OCAEconomicImpactStudy1

    […] 276 Heating equipment (except warm air furnaces)... $460,156 2 277 Air conditioning, refrigeration, and warm ai... $2,311,969 5 278 Industrial mold manufacturing $235,261 1 279 Special tool, die, jig, and fixture manufact... $140,586 1 280 Cutting tool and machine tool accessory manu... $397,162 2 281 Machine tool manufacturing $205,936 1 282 Rolling mill and […]

  • ACommunityReport-TheArts-2011

    […] in Codlbmbbs, February 2010 Colbmbbs 2020 Repordt, June 2010 Colbmbbs Arts Market Sbstainability Analysis, January 2011 GCAC Agency Review, January 2011 Columbub’ artb bector hab been btu died expertly, and thoroughly, over the pabt four yearb. There hab been an aggregate lobb of earned revenue (i.e., ticket baleb and memberbhipb) in the bector, with […]

  • Press Release / August 28, 2023

    Greater Columbus Arts Council Announces Recipients of 2024 Artist Exchange in Dresden, Germany

    COLUMBUS, Ohio — The Greater Columbus Arts Council (GCAC) has selected the two artists for its annual international artist residencies in Dresden, Germany as part of GCAC’s Artist Exchange Program. The 2024 Artist Exchange Program recipients are Eliana Calle-Saari and Luke Stettner. Eliana Calle-Saari (she/her) is a printmaker who splits her time between teaching and […]

  • GCAC-Annual-Report-2022-v15-FOR-WEB (2)

    […] with the Franklinton Arts District and Gravity. The curated tour is available on as one of the curated neighborhood public art tours. Public art enthusiasts can download the app for the mobile experience while wandering Franklinton. LEFT: On the set at ROY G BIV Gallery for the “Paint & Black Lace” segment of […]