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  • Press Release / February 24, 2011


    […] has approved 11 grants totaling $12,875 in BOOST (formerly Technical Assistance) and Artists in the Community grants. BOOST: BOOST (Broadening Organizations’ Overall Skills and Technology) is a capacity -building program supporting the governance, leadership, technology and professional development needs of not-for-profit arts organizations. Applicants are encouraged to make a long-term commitment to continuous improvement and […]

  • Accessible Expressions ’24 Call for Art Application_FINAL

    […] Guidelines: ● Artists may submit one (1) or two (2) entries. ● All art must have a visual component but can be 2D or 3D. ● 3 -D pieces required to hang by ceiling suspension will not be accepted this year. ● Wearable artwork will be accepted, including accessories, knitting -crochet, jewelry , eco […]

  • Nicholas D’Andrea

    Nicholas D’Andrea began a career in music in 2013, starting a band Nick D’ & the Believers. They were active from 2013 -16, toured regionally and had songs featured on television shows. During that time he also worked as a freelance songwriter with music licensing, and publishing companies. In 2016 he co-founded the band […]

  • Press Release / April 30, 2014

    Greater Columbus Arts Council Awards February and March BOOST and Artists in the Community Grants

    […] and fifteen (15) Artists in the Community grants totaling $10,896, for a combined total of $34,380. BOOST: BOOST (Broadening Organization’s Overall Skills and Technology) is a capacity -building program supporting the governance, leadership, technology and professional development needs of not-for-profit arts organizations. Applicants are encouraged to make a long-term commitment to continuous improvement and […]

  • Press Release / July 3, 2012


    […] more deadlines for project support in 2012—July 16 and October 15. Project Support: GCAC funded eight Project Support applications. Project Support grants provide funding for the numerous short -term cultural activities that give Columbus its vitality. GCAC awarded $91,898 in Project Support grants to the following organizations and projects: Organization / Project / Grant Amount […]

  • Tom Katzenmeyer

    […] to the Arts Council, he served as Senior Vice President for University Communications at The Ohio State University, where he led an office that oversaw OSU’s university -wide communications and reputation management. The office included the units of Internal Communications, Marketing Communications, Media Relations, Research Communications, and WOSU Public Media. Before joining Ohio State […]

  • OH_GreaterColumbusArea_AEP5_CustomizedReport

    […] 5 Economic Impact of Spending by Nonprofit Arts and Cultural ORGANIZATIONS ................................ ................................ .6 An Economic Impact Beyond Dollars: Volunteerism ....................... 7 Th e Value of In -Kind Contributions to Arts Organizations .............. 7 Economic Impact of Spending by Nonprofit Arts and Cultural AUDIENCES ................................ ................................ ........... 8 Cultural Tourists Spend More ................................ ............................ […]

  • OrdinanceNo.-33782018FINAL

    Office of City Clerk City of Columbus 90 West Broad Street Columbus OH 43215 -9015 Legislation Report File Number: 3378-2018 City of Columbus Printed on 12/14/2018 Page 1 of 8 30-Day File ID: 3378-2018 Type: Ordinance Status: Passed Version: 2 *Committee: Rules & Reference Committee File Name: Creation, Innovation and Inclusion Fund File […]

  • 10Reasons-to-SupporttheArtsJune2017

    […] cultures better" —a perspective observed across all demographic and economic categories . 3. Arts improve academic performance. Students engaged in arts learning have higher GPAs and standardized test scores, and lower drop -out rates. The Department of Education reports that access to arts education for students of color is significantly lower than for their […]

  • OH_GreaterColumbusArea_AEP5_OnePageSummary

    […] spending than a Saturday children’s theater production). Using total attendance data for 2015 (collected from the participating organizations), standard statistical methods were then used to derive a reliable estimate o f total ar ts event -related expenditures by attendees in each study region. In the Greater Columbus Area , a total of 669 valid […]

  • OCAEconomicImpactStudy1

    […] economic engines. As technology and outsourcing continues to displace manufacturing workers, the technology, service, and creative sectors have emerged as drivers of regional economies. The educated, highly -skilled workforce propelling these emerging sectors has become an increasingly important factor in regional economic development strategies. Creativity, innovation and knowledge creation are now central to economic […]