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  • Creative_Economy_Report_Final_April_9_version

    The Creative Economy Leveraging the Arts, Culture and Creative Community for a Stronger Columbus Presented by: Creative Columbus Policy Steering Committee 9 April 2007 The Creative Economy: Leveraging the Arts, Culture and Creative Community for a Stronger Columbus  PG2 9 APRIL 2007 DATE PROJECT From the Steering Committee Chairman In a letter dated 17 January 2006, former Columbus City Council President Matt Habash  articulated the need for this task force: "City Council is moving forward with a thoughtful  review of arts and cultural funding…Columbus City Council created the Greater Columbus  Arts Council nearly thirty years ago.  the environment has changed for arts and  culture organizations, particularly in regards to the new economy."  City Council asked this task force to reexamine how the character and implementation of  the City’s arts and cultural policy could best advance the community’s creative interests.  We were asked to make policy recommendations about a cooperative approach to community arts and cultural support, one that could promote the viability of long- established, community-embraced organizations and that would encourage the future  growth of our local arts and cultural community. After 12 meetings, which took place from July 2006 to January 2007 with a diverse representative group of leaders from various sectors of this community—and with input from suburban arts councils and city arts councils from other parts of the state and nation, as well as representatives from city groups like Experience Columbus—we are pleased to  present our fi ndings. The ideas in this document are not set in cement. They should be changed and updated  from time to time to refl ect the most current thinking. It is a document that should help move us all toward understanding what makes for a creative community and why it can be  successful.  Ultimately,  we  must  all  work  together  to  build  a  creative  Columbus.                                                     My sincere thanks to the task force, who worked so hard to create this report, and to City  Council, who cares so much about the creative interests of our city. —  Wayne P. Lawson, Ph.D Chairman, Creative Columbus Policy Steering Committee The Creative Economy: Leveraging the Arts, Culture and Creative Community for a Stronger Columbus  PG3 9 APRIL 2007 DATE PROJECT […]

  • CulturalPlanFINALDRAFT01101

    […] the financial need could be met. Part I of this final report provides a financial analysis of the arts sector and includes the following findings: • Thirty -six organizations responded to the request to provide information which would allow an updating of the Americans for the Arts economic research in Columbus in 2006. 1 […]

  • Our Impact

    […] and we are committed to getting them the support they need to be successful. With funds from our Endowment the Artists Elevated we provide $25,000 grants to mid -career artists to take the next step on their creative path You can hear it in his voice, his laugh, the way he travels throughout a conversation. […]

  • DEI

    […] is it our responsibility to continually dismantle inequities within our policies, programs, and practices. We commit to engaging with, listening to, and lifting up voices from historically -marginalized groups in all of our programs and initiatives. We demonstrate measurable change by setting annual goals and tracking progress related to diversity, equity, and inclusion. We […]

  • AccessibilityatGCAC

    Accessibility at G C AC Accessibility is of great importance to the Greater Columbus Arts Council. We recognize t hat each person is an individual and that each individual benefits from accommodations uniquely suited for their needs . We welcome you to contact us so that we can provide the best access possible to our […]

  • 2022FreshAIRCFE.pdf

    […] Phone number : Email address : Preferred pronouns : Website or social media handles : Demographic Information Please select the option(s) that best describe(s) how you self -ident ify. Select as many as apply. If you identify differently from the options listed, we encourage you to provide additional information. Your responses to the questions […]

  • GCACAnnualReport2022v15-FOR-WEB (2)

    […] world and to be intentional in our efforts to work towards equity for artists of color.” LINCOLN THEATRE This grant has allowed me to pivot during the pandemic and to continue to be a full time artist by helping my second full comic book launch! I successfully executed an online launch and a few […]

  • GrandviewHopPerfomerGuidelines2023

    […] "Street Party / Night Market" along Grandview Avenue. We close Grandview Avenue from 1st Ave . to 3rd Ave . for the community to enjoy an open -air market featuring near ly 150 pop -up shops and food trucks, along with live music, a cha rity beer garden, activities for kids, giveaways and more. […]

  • GrandviewHopPerfomerGuidelines2023

    […] "Street Party / Night Market" along Grandview Avenue. We close Grandview Avenue from 1st Ave . to 3rd Ave . for the community to enjoy an open -air market featuring near ly 150 pop -up shops and food trucks, along with live music, a cha rity beer garden, activities for kids, giveaways and more. […]

  • GalleryHopGuidelinesUpdatedJan.-2023

    SHORT NORTH ARTS DISTRICT GALLERY HOP GCAC PERFORMER GUIDELINES About Gallery Hop On the first Saturday of every month, thousands of visitors converge on High Street in the Short North Arts District for Gallery Hop. Visitors celebrate art throughout the evening with new gallery exhibitions, street performers, artisan vendors, special events, and more throughout the […]

  • 2023CommunityStreetPerformerGuidelines

    […] need to be made to accommodate. Performers are to arrive at least 30 minutes prior to the performance start time, allowing for sufficient time to set -up, test equipment, and check in with the East before the start of the performance. Failure to check -in or tardiness may re sult in decreased payment. Breaks […]