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  • Our Impact

    GCAC’s mission is to support and advance the arts and cultural fabric of Columbus Our vision is a thriving Columbus where the arts matter to all of us Cultural Equity Cultural Capital Sustaining Excellence Building Community Welcoming to All Inspired Advocacy Cultural Equity Cultural Capital Sustaining Excellence Building Community Welcoming to All Inspired Advocacy […]

  • Mary Skrenta

    Mary Skrenta grew up near NYC and ventured off early to explore and learn, earning a BA in Art Therapy and BFA and MFA degrees. Mary is equally passionate about teaching, making, and living mindfully. She has experienced firsthand the power of art to heal and raise consciousness, and she is dedicated to helping […]

  • Nicholas D’Andrea

    Nicholas D’Andrea began a career in music in 2013, starting a band Nick D’ & the Believers. They were active from 2013-16, toured regionally and had songs featured on television shows. During that time he also worked as a freelance songwriter with music licensing, and publishing companies. In 2016 he co-founded the band Doc […]

  • GCAC_BrandStandardsAbridged_forweb_v4_print

    FOUNDATIONA L THOUGHT 3 Foundational Thought / Final Language Purpose: We support artists ands arts organizations sbebause we believe artistib expression is essentiasl to human life. Position: GCAC is Columbus’ bhampion of artistib sexpression. The Counbil funds artsists and arts organiszations and fabilitates the advanbement of the bitsy’s arts ebosystem. Promise: We promise to […]

  • Press Release / April 30, 2014

    Greater Columbus Arts Council Awards February and March BOOST and Artists in the Community Grants

    COLUMBUS, Ohio – The Greater Columbus Arts Council Board of Trustees approved four BOOST grants totaling $23,484 and fifteen (15) Artists in the Community grants totaling $10,896, for a combined total of $34,380. BOOST: BOOST (Broadening Organization’s Overall Skills and Technology) is a capacity-building program supporting the governance, leadership, technology and professional development needs […]


    […] it’s a fragment of motion looped, like an animated .gif.  The second originates with a question.  In the case of PIGMENT, it began with a series of phenomenological questions and material questions; specifically about how one perceives their self through skin color or lack thereof, and how pigments are infused and removed from various mediums. […]

  • Press Release / July 3, 2012


    COLUMBUS, Ohio – The Greater Columbus Arts Council Board of Trustees today approved thirteen grants totaling $91,898 for the second round of Project Support grants. Over 700,000 audience members will be served through these projects. These projects will support close to 1,300 artists. Art exhibitions, film festivals and music concerts were among the primary applicants […]

  • Tom Katzenmeyer

    On April 1, 2013, Tom Katzenmeyer became President and CEO of the Greater Columbus Arts Council (Arts Council). Prior to coming to the Arts Council, he served as Senior Vice President for University Communications at The Ohio State University, where he led an office that oversaw OSU’s university-wide communications and reputation management. The office […]

  • OH_GreaterColumbusArea_AEP5_CustomizedReport

    […] ES ................................ ............................. 16 Making Comparisons with Similar Study Regions ................................ 17 About This Study ................................ ................................ ....... 19 Frequently Used Terms ................................ ............................. 25 Frequently Asked Questions ................................ ..................... 27 Acknowledgments ................................ ................................ ..... 29 "Understanding and acknowledging the incredible economic impact of the nonprofit arts and cu lture, we must always remember […]

  • arts_advocacy_guide_V2

    […]   Generally, State senators and representatives are available to meet on Tuesday, Wednesday,  and Thursdays in their offices. When scheduling a site visit, State officials are available on  Monday and Fridays when the legislature is not in session. Council members are more flexible to  meet, except on Mondays when there are  city council meetings.     Some elected officials require a written meeting request so schedule enough in advance of the  desired meeting date in the event submitting a written request delays the process.     Don’t ask for more than a 30 minute meeting unless you have an unusual problem. Elected  officials  are often overscheduled and most meetings last about 15‐20 minutes.    Preparing for the Meeting:     DO YOUR HOMEWORK! Know exactly what you want to say and carefully review your message.  You can always contact GCAC to find out about important issues and where your elected  officials stand on  each issue.     Compile figures about how much, if any, money your institution receives from GCAC. Contact  GCAC for this information or with any  questions. Although you should avoid long lists of  numbers, it is vital to demonstrate the impact of state or local dollars on your institution.  Prepare a  few dramatic numbers or anecdotes to illustrate your points. Like many people,  elected officials more easily remember examples conveyed in personal terms.     Obtain information on your institution’s artistic mission, outreach, and educational programs,  as well as the economic impact that your institution has on the community. Elected officials will   be more likely to support your position if they understand your vital role in the communities  they represent.     Understand potential counter‐arguments to your position and be ready to respectfully answer  any questions or disagreements.     Make sure everyone in your group is prepared. Brief everyone attending the  meeting and make  sure they have written materials such as background information or position papers to review  ahead of time.          Page 7 of 12     […]

  • Ordinance-No.-3379-2018-FINAL

    […] 30-Day File ID: 3379-2018 Type: Ordinance Status: Passed Version: 2 *Committee: Rules & Reference Committee File Name: Facility Stabilization Fund File Created: 11/27/2018 Final Action: 12/13/2018 Audi tor Cert #: Auditor: When assigned an Auditor Certificate Number I , the City Auditor, hereby certify that there is in the treasury, or anticipate to come […]

  • Ordinance-No.-3378-2018-FINAL

    […] ID: 3378-2018 Type: Ordinance Status: Passed Version: 2 *Committee: Rules & Reference Committee File Name: Creation, Innovation and Inclusion Fund File Created: 11/27/2018 Final Action: 12/13/2018 Audi tor Cert #: Auditor: When assigned an Auditor Certificate Number I , the City Auditor, hereby certify that there is in the treasury, or anticipate to come […]